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390 Crutch Use for Four Weeks versus One Week following Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Randomized Prospective Study with 6-Month Follow Up

P0902 Cam Deformities in Borderline Hip Dysplasia Negatively Affect Hip Arthroscopy Outcomes in the Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome

P0915 Evidence of Medial Meniscal Ramp Lesions and Posteromedial Tibia Plateau Bone Bruising in Multi-Ligament Knee Injuries with an Intact Anterior Cruciate Ligament: A Multicenter Retrospective Case Series

P0915 Evidence of Medial Meniscal Ramp Lesions and Posteromedial Tibia Plateau Bone Bruising in Multi-Ligament Knee Injuries with an Intact Anterior Cruciate Ligament: A Multicenter Retrospective Case Series

P0925 Cannabis Use Disorder is Not Associated with Opioid Analgesic Use or Patient-Reported Outcomes after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Retrospective Matched-Cohort Analysis